Independent Thinking Blog

Twitter, Signals, and Context

Sebastian Turner gave a terrific presentation at DemandSuccess about Twitter, signals, and context. First, a few statistics:

  • 255 million active Twitter users
  • 1 billion tweets shared every 2 days
  • 14.7 million tweets during the 2014 Academy Awards
  • 12.2 million tweets during the opening match of the World Cup
  • 8+ million tweets during the USA vs. Portugal match

Twitter’s reach is both local and global.

What makes Twitter a valuable social platform for companies and other organizations is that it is both an effective platform to reach a small, targeted audience and to participate in big community conversations.

I’ve written before about Twitter’s interest graph. Turner talked about how Twitter captures  “a range of context signals”–geography, gender, device, keyword, interest, and more.

Turner also gets credit for being the first person to explain Twitter’s promoted website and lead generation cards so that I finally understand how they work. Which in turn got me excited about the ways you might use these products to reach out to customers and prospects.

If and how your brand engages on Twitter, of course, depends on your goals.

Turner’s presentation is embedded below, and it’s worth taking a few minutes to review. [Click here if you can’t see it.]



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